Another week, another set of all-time highs for the Gold Market! Although the gold market was previously thought to be of the bubble-variety, it is now becoming clear that these high prices are going to be around for a while.
We could be seeing the market hit unthought of levels such as $1,400.00 per ounce, according to some analysts. If you have been hanging onto your old, unwanted jewelry for years and years and are now thinking about selling - now is the time! We continue to be a market leader in terms of our pricing, adjusting upward as the market continues to rise.
Remember, Sell Us Your Gold does not deal in small print, and does not require minimums in order to receive the best pricing. We offer a professional, consistent experience that has helped us gain our stellar business reputation. Judge for yourself, come by and see either of our locations - Scottsdale or Gilbert. You will receive an up-front honest assessment of your jewelry items, and most importantly Maximum Value on your Gold, Silver and Platinum items.
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